Name Trade Skill Required Skill Level
Touch the Crystal
Speak with Citizens
Speak with Citizens
Speak with Citizens
Speak with Citizens
Uncover Trunk
Rotate Reflector
Rotate Reflector
Rotate Reflector
Activate Azoth Projector
Retrieve Fragment
Take Strange Jar
Take Ancient Scrolls
Select Ancient Glyph
Select Ancient Glyph
Select Ancient Glyph
Select Ancient Glyph
Select Ancient Glyph
Select Ancient Glyph
Select Ancient Glyph
Select Ancient Glyph
Select Ancient Glyph
Select Ancient Glyph
Place Ancient Seal
Place Canopic Jar
Place Canopic Jar
Unlock Coffer
Take Canopic Jar
Take Canopic Jar
Remove the Focus
Read the Legacy of the Ancients
Burn Supplies
Investigate Equipment
Investigate Equipment
Investigate Equipment
Investigate Equipment
Read the Legacy of Rome
Harvest Frostcliff Berry