Name Level Family
Genesis Archer 60 Angry Earth
Fulg'da 60 Angry Earth
Forcos 60 Angry Earth
Swamp Dryad Beast 60 Angry Earth
Swamp Dryad Beast Arena Boss 60 Angry Earth
Genesis Beast 60 Angry Earth
Sufferance of the Elders 60 Angry Earth
Taxodius 60 Angry Earth
Tax'i 60 Angry Earth
O'dus 60 Angry Earth
Swampling 60 Angry Earth
Swamp Dryad Prowler 60 Angry Earth
Earthward Stalker 60 Angry Earth
Genesis Prowler 60 Angry Earth
Genesis Prowler 60 Angry Earth
Kotemos 60 Angry Earth
Swamp Dryad Shaman 60 Angry Earth
Glimmerfen Elder 60 Angry Earth
Earthward Elder 60 Angry Earth
Genesis Shaman 60 Angry Earth
Muddy Minion 60 Angry Earth
Muddy Minion 60 Angry Earth
Gorgyri 60 Angry Earth
Morphian 60 Angry Earth
Swamp Sunderer 60 Angry Earth
Swampstep Sunderer 60 Angry Earth
Genesis Soldier 60 Angry Earth
Genesis Soldier 60 Angry Earth
Barder 60 Angry Earth
Oasis Vine 60 Angry Earth
Earthward Creeper 60 Angry Earth
Swamp Dryad Creeper 60 Angry Earth
The Grotto's Thorn 60 Angry Earth
Lambent Wallower 60 Angry Earth
Glowing Swamp Fiend 60 Angry Earth
Genesis Fiend 60 Angry Earth
Genesis Fiend 60 Angry Earth
Circes 60 Angry Earth
Corruption Tendril 60 Corrupted
Unhallowed Tendril 60 Corrupted
Serenity Tendril 60 Corrupted
Unholy Tether 60 Corrupted
Myrkgard Tendril 60 Corrupted
Tiger 60 Beast
Thunderking Tiger 60 Beast
Ebonscale Tiger 60 Beast
Serenity Tiger 60 Beast
Captured Tiger 60 Beast
Chardis 60 Ancient
Genesis Hive 60 Angry Earth