Name Level Family
Drowned Sailor 64 Lost
Dune Phantom Berserker 64 Lost
Plague Huntress 64 Lost
Dune Phantom Dreadnought 64 Lost
Delirvesh the Sand Drinker 64 Lost
Sandseer Sariel 64 Human
Varangian Mage 64 Human
Forge Raider Battlemaster 64 Human
Sir Olga the Hewer 64 Human
Forge Raider Guardian 64 Human
Varangian Spearman 64 Human
Forge Raider Crusher 64 Human
Charred Ghost 64 Lost
Plagued Ghost 64 Lost
Blistering Vesicant 64 Lost
Starved Ghost 64 Lost
Tribune Ciara, Master of Horses 64 Corrupted
Rumble 64 Corrupted
Tribune Ursula the Gladiatrix 64 Corrupted
Tribune Elias, Master of Hounds 64 Corrupted
Tribune Castor, Master of Hounds 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Mincer 64 Corrupted
Legion Miner 64 Corrupted
Tribune Pollux, Master of Hounds 64 Corrupted
Corrupted Skinner 64 Corrupted
Lynx 64 Beast
Sulfur Shaman 64 Angry Earth
Sulfur Warden 64 Angry Earth
Skeleton Sentinel 64 Ancient
Starved Bandit 64 Lost
Starved Mercenary 64 Lost
Betaikha the Burned One 64 Angry Earth
Towerfall Stalker 64 Angry Earth
Swamp Soldier 64 Angry Earth
Ruin Guardian 64 Angry Earth
Lost Berserker 64 Lost
Lost Gravedigger 64 Lost
The Siren's Fury 64 Lost
Lost Hunter 64 Lost
Lost Pistoleer 64 Lost
Pirate Brute 64 Lost
The Siren's Brute 64 Lost
Lost Sentry 64 Lost
Unstable Swamp Fiend 64 Angry Earth
Withered Atrocity 64 Lost
Unstable Spinospitter 64 Angry Earth
Unstable Vulconyte 64 Angry Earth
Unstable Rotseed 64 Angry Earth
Unstable Pulsing Vulcanyte 64 Angry Earth
Unstable Pulsing Spinospitter 64 Angry Earth