| Drowned Sailor | 64 | Lost |
| Dune Phantom Berserker | 64 | Lost |
| Plague Huntress | 64 | Lost |
| Dune Phantom Dreadnought | 64 | Lost |
| Delirvesh the Sand Drinker | 64 | Lost |
| Sandseer Sariel | 64 | Human |
| Varangian Mage | 64 | Human |
| Forge Raider Battlemaster | 64 | Human |
| Sir Olga the Hewer | 64 | Human |
| Forge Raider Guardian | 64 | Human |
| Varangian Spearman | 64 | Human |
| Forge Raider Crusher | 64 | Human |
| Charred Ghost | 64 | Lost |
| Plagued Ghost | 64 | Lost |
| Blistering Vesicant | 64 | Lost |
| Starved Ghost | 64 | Lost |
| Tribune Ciara, Master of Horses | 64 | Corrupted |
| Rumble | 64 | Corrupted |
| Tribune Ursula the Gladiatrix | 64 | Corrupted |
| Tribune Elias, Master of Hounds | 64 | Corrupted |
| Tribune Castor, Master of Hounds | 64 | Corrupted |
| Corrupted Mincer | 64 | Corrupted |
| Legion Miner | 64 | Corrupted |
| Tribune Pollux, Master of Hounds | 64 | Corrupted |
| Corrupted Skinner | 64 | Corrupted |
| Lynx | 64 | Beast |
| Sulfur Shaman | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Sulfur Warden | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Skeleton Sentinel | 64 | Ancient |
| Starved Bandit | 64 | Lost |
| Starved Mercenary | 64 | Lost |
| Betaikha the Burned One | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Towerfall Stalker | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Swamp Soldier | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Ruin Guardian | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Lost Berserker | 64 | Lost |
| Lost Gravedigger | 64 | Lost |
| The Siren's Fury | 64 | Lost |
| Lost Hunter | 64 | Lost |
| Lost Pistoleer | 64 | Lost |
| Pirate Brute | 64 | Lost |
| The Siren's Brute | 64 | Lost |
| Lost Sentry | 64 | Lost |
| Unstable Swamp Fiend | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Withered Atrocity | 64 | Lost |
| Unstable Spinospitter | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Unstable Vulconyte | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Unstable Rotseed | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Unstable Pulsing Vulcanyte | 64 | Angry Earth |
| Unstable Pulsing Spinospitter | 64 | Angry Earth |