Name Level Family
Scorchvein Spawn 63 Corrupted
Cow 63 Beast
Corrupted Abomination 63 Corrupted
Overseer Levy 63 Corrupted
Scorchvein Sniper 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Musketeer 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Axe Thrower 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Butcher 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Hammer Laborer 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Mincer 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Cook 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Lumber Axe Laborer 63 Corrupted
Scorchvein Lumberjack 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Pickaxe Laborer 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Pitchfork Laborer 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Rake Laborer 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Shovel Laborer 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Sickle Laborer 63 Corrupted
Scorchvein Gatherer 63 Corrupted
Corrupted Skinner 63 Corrupted
Hedjedjet Jackal 63 Beast
Elias's Wolf 63 Beast
Sabnekh 63 Beast
Dry-Nosed Hylactor 63 Beast
Mature Canyon Scorpion 63 Angry Earth
Mature Chthonic Scorpion 63 Angry Earth
Mature Canyon Scorpion 63 Angry Earth
Mature Highlands Scorpion 63 Angry Earth
Desert Scorpion 63 Angry Earth
Chthonic Scorpion 63 Angry Earth
The "Manticore" 63 Angry Earth
Queen Ta-Bitjet 63 Angry Earth
Terror of the Wastes 63 Angry Earth
Mature Slingshotter 63 Angry Earth
Sulfurwig 63 Angry Earth
Dryad Veil 63
Sirensong Thrall Worker 63 Lost
Sirensong Lackey 63 Lost
Sirensong Myrmidon 63 Lost
Sirensong Prole 63 Lost
Dryad Bowmaster 63 Angry Earth
Dryad Prowler 63 Angry Earth
Dryad Elementalist 63 Angry Earth
Cael 63 Angry Earth
Dryad Fighter 63 Angry Earth
Dryad Fighter 63 Angry Earth
Sanctum Vigilant Berserker 63 Lost
Dune Phantom Berserker 63 Lost
Sanctum Vigilant Huntress 63 Lost
Plague Huntress 63 Lost