Name Description Tier Item
Refreshing Charge Hitting a target with Unpredictable Strike reduces its cooldown by 40% (Max 1 hits).
Crippling Reap Targets hit by Reap are Slowed, reducing movement speed by 50% for 4s.
Mending Execute Heal for 60% of the damage dealt by Execute (Max 1 trigger per ability use).
Fortifying Whirlwind Whirlwind hits grant Fortify, increasing armor by 16% and Slash damage by 13% for 2s (Max 5 stacks).
Enfeebling Maelstrom Targets hit by Maelstrom's No Reprieve are Weakened, reducing their attack damage by 28% for 8s.
Insatiable Gravity Well Heal for 80% of the damage dealt by Gravity Well (Limit 1 target). On hit, cast another 4m radius burst around you that deals 50% weapon damage.