Name Effect Categories
Dungeon IsInBossFight
Sprint Delay Combat Timer Light SprintDelayCombat
Sprint Delay Combat Timer Medium SprintDelayCombat
Sprint Delay Combat Timer Heavy SprintDelayCombat
Inventory CancelCooldown
Sandworm CannonBall CarryCannonBall
Dungeon BrimstoneSands00 Statue
Dungeon CutlassKeys00 TornadoTrapAi
Frostbite Debuff Frostbite
@TSE_HighPrio_Silence_DisplayName NonDispellableDebuff
Bleed Debuff Bleed Dot
Acid Burn Debuff Dot
TSE LowPrio Timer
Hearty II
AI ScaleSize 5Percent
AI ScaleSize 10Percent
AI ScaleSize 25Percent
AI ScaleSize 50Percent
@AI_DPTank_Enrage_Limited_DisplayName Fortify Empower
@AI_DPTank_Enrage_Unlimited_DisplayName Fortify Empower
@AI_DPTank_Empower_Limited_DisplayName Buff Empower
Empower Buff Empower
Fortify Buff
@AI_DPTank_Fortify_Unlimited_DisplayName Buff
Sandstorm Debuff Bleed Dot
Bleeding Sands Debuff Bleed Dot
@AI_DPTank_SandDevil_Rend_Cyclone_DisplayName Debuff Rend Debilitate
Sand Devil Debuff Bleed Dot
@AI_DPTank_WorldSplitter_Bleed_01_DisplayName Debuff Bleed Dot
@AI_DPTank_WorldSplitter_Bleed_02_DisplayName Debuff Bleed Dot
@AI_DPTank_WorldSplitter_Bleed_03_DisplayName Debuff Bleed Dot
@AI_DPTank_WorldSplitter_Bleed_04_DisplayName Debuff Bleed Dot
@AI_DPTank_WorldSplitter_Bleed_05_DisplayName Debuff Bleed Dot
Ancient Solar Burn Burn Dot BossDebuff
@Silent_Root_Forever_DisplayName AI_Neutral
Snared Debuff Slow CC
AI AnubianGuardian Goliath Empower Buff
AI AnubianGuardian Goliath Health 50Percent AI_Neutral
AI AnubianGuardian Goliath Health 25Percent AI_Neutral
AI AnubianGuardian Goliaths Death Tracker AI_Neutral
Rend Debuff Rend Debilitate BossDebuff
AI AnubianGuardian HorusBoss DivineDoom OnTickCast AI_Neutral
AI AnubianGuardian HorusBoss DivineDoom CastSpell
Judgement of the Gods BossDebuff
Verdict of the Gods BossDebuff Stun AI_Neutral
AI AnubianGuardian HorusBoss InstrumentOfJudgement Damage