The Missing Tribute

Main Story

Find out what really happened to the tribute to Medea by talking to the Speaker of the Winds and the Captain of the Guard.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
2,300 XP 11.00 Coin 500 Territory Standing 10 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Commander's Correspondence
Completion needed for the quests below
The Pirate Problem
Just Dessert
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Confront Speaker of the Winds Francis Turner with Medea's letter.
He is inside the Govenours house in Corinth.

Speak with Captain Marcel Dunpont about Medea's Tribute.
You can find him at the north gate of Corinth.

After this head back to Leovix Silva.
He will be still waiting inside the Corinth tavern.

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