Commander's Correspondence

Main Story

Search Iron Keep to find any information about the missing tribute to Medea. Bring anything you find back to Leovix at the tavern in Corinth.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
2,500 XP 42.00 Coin 500 Territory Standing 5 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Iron and Blood
Completion needed for the quests below
The Missing Tribute
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Travel to the Iron Keep to search for Clues to the Missing Tribute.
Read the Notice of Breach of Contract. You will find the note in the second floor of the big house in the area.
Careful: Commander Merrill is guarding this note.

After you read the note you will be sent straight back to Corinth.

If you accepted the quest A Garden of Iron, grab the Iron Rose Sword and bring it back to Roya Hakimi first, before you head back towards Corinth.

The quest tells you to use (Optional) the Iron Rose Shrine for fast traveling. You need to step on the shrine, before you head back into the city.
Otherwise the quest might be bugged and you need to go to the shrine again, just do head right back after it.
Since this will cost you 10 Azoth and we don´t have much of this at the moment, i recomman instead the Recall to Inn.

If you want to do you first fast travel anyway, press "E" to open your map and select Corinth and click on Fast Travel.
You might need to zoom your world map a little bit out, to see the round city symbol to click on.

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