The Bay

Page #4
Part of the following chapter Visions of Madness #8
Given to you by Gildon of Mourningdale

A guiding light, crashing shores, and sudden landfall. A tall tower, rain of fire, and a siren's call. Like some kind of sorcery, or an ill-omen, the blue flames of the bay turn red. They have come. They corrupt everything they touch, changing the very essence of the beings of this island. The bay is slowly taken over them, and they overpower even those of four. What few guardians are left are pinned to a small part of the bay, and the red eyed monsters begin their work on the lighthouse. Those enchanted by the siren's song of Aeternum soon find themselves caught in storms, attacked by spires of dark corruption that send their vessels crashing into the shore. They came seeking a paradise, but all they found was darkness. Those of four have all but left us to die. But we cannot die, they stripped us even of that.