dropped 700gs 09/04/24 was doing chest run idk which mob dropped
Dropped at 639 for me in S3
play temps m10 and you will get same perk
Is one of the old named items. It doesnt look like a named and it doesnt drop always 590! So you need high expertise to farm it. I dropped it 597.
I did need 5h farming Disciple of Disordr and Myrkgard Archfiend. I used max luck, but doesnt look like luck its needed. Had one in my group, that dropped it 2 times in 1h (he farmed for hatchet and sword) and he didnt have ANY luck, not even on bags (fresh 60).
dropped from myrkgard archfiend
Drops from Disciple of Disorder https://nwdb.info/db/creature/damned_priest_named_07sm06a_elite
Dropped me from Artifex Faetum
Dropped from Arch in Myrkgard
Dropped from Archmagister Vocus in Myrkgard
dropped in a myrk run 680 GS