We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now. It seems that the New Champion's Amulet is obtainable.
To Answer your question CPT Gank. Mine dropped at GS 585.... on PVP track 6 checkpoint 1. Should definitely have that at 625 before you start running PVP.
I got them from PVP track 7, checkpoint 2 reward.
track 150 still no sight of this monster
What I want to know: I was already max expertise when pvp tracks came out on legacy, so now that I’m on a fresh start server and my jewelry expertise is lower than 600, if I progress on the pvp track, will the amulet drop under 590? I don’t want to miss that track reward so I haven’t been completing the tracks after OPRs till my jewelry expertise and weapons are 600. Can someone confirm? Specifically I’m talking about champions jewelry pieces.
I have one with 680gs but can't upgrade it, anyone knows why? The machine starts the upgrade but it fail always ...