Malice Mallet

Epic War Hammer Tier IV
Check the New Malice Mallet
Item Gear Score
84 Base Damage 6.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.20 Critical Damage Multiplier 61.0 Block Stamina Damage 63.0 Stagger Damage 27% Block Stability
185 strike Damage

"The shadow in his peripheral vision was the last thing he saw before he ate the dirt."

Bind On Pickup Tier IV Scales With: STR 100% 8.5 Weight 2500 Durability
Gives 1.50
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
Deprecated Variant
No Source

We can't find any source for this item (quests reward, drop, etc). It's highly probable this item is not obtainable right now. It seems that the New Malice Mallet is obtainable.