Julian Ice Gauntlet

Uncommon Ice Gauntlet Tier V
Item Gear Score
Selected Gear Score
100 225 350 475 600 725
59 Base Damage 9.0% Critical Hit Chance 1.30 Critical Damage Multiplier 43.0 Block Stamina Damage 43.0 Stagger Damage 30% Block Stability
166 ice Damage
Random Attribute
Random Perk
Random Gem
Random Perk
Random Perk

After their arrival, portions of the 3rd legion were astounded by magic, but quickly adapted to its use as a tool of war.

Bind On Equip Tier V Scales With: INT 100% 3.0 Weight 3000 Durability
Gives 3.00
and 6
Repair Parts
when salvaged.
Weapon Set
Julian Flail Flail
Julian Rapier Rapier
Julian War Hammer War Hammer
Julian Spear Spear
Julian Musket Musket
Julian Great Axe Great Axe
Julian Fire Staff Fire Staff
Julian Life Staff Life Staff
Julian Ice Gauntlet Ice Gauntlet
Julian Void Gauntlet Void Gauntlet
Julian Hatchet Hatchet
Julian Buckler Round Shield
Julian Kite Shield Kite Shield
Julian Scutum Tower Shield
Julian Blunderbuss Blunderbuss
Julian Greatsword Greatsword
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Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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