I farmed Meldue, Soldier of Blight for 3.5 hours on Patch: 1.2.1
(not the best for maximum Luck, but it does the job)
Helm: 2.5% Luck
Chest: 2.5% Luck
Gloves: 2.5% Luck
Legs: 2.5% Luck
Boots: 2.5% Luck
Amulet: 2.5% Luck
Ring 2.5% Luck
Earring: 2.5% Luck
PvP Flagged: 10% Luck
*No Luck Sword+Shield
*No Luck bags
*No luck Trophies
Total: +30% Luck
3x The Legendary sword: Brilliant Refraction
3x The Epic Shield: Eden's Kiss
2x The Epic Sword: Symbiote's Brand
22x Vial of Suspended Azoth
Large amount of various Rare and Common items
A lots of Common and Strong Potions
A lots of Crafting Charms
What didn't drop:
The Legendary Amulet: Baal Crystal
I went back to him, after an hour he finally dropped the amulet.
I Killed 100 Meldue, soldier of the blight on level 41 with 8.4%~ luck skill.
My findings:
72% of the drops contained Common items (This includes potions).
50% of the drops contained Uncommon items.
6% of the drops contained Rare items.
0% of the drops contained Epic items.
Farmed Meldue, Soldier of Blight, and 5 kills in, dropped Baal Crystal, 490 GS.
I was wearing full medium voidbent with pearls, 2.5% luck on all jewelry, 2.4% luck on 2 of 3 bags, PvP flagged as well.