New World Vista Views Locations & World Paintings
Lets take a look at all Vista Views locations and what World Painting they offer as a reward.
Two easels can be found in each territory. Upon interacting with these easels, players will be given a painting of the view for their house. If a player loses their painting they can reacquire it by visiting the same easel again 24 hours later. You can find a list of all easels here.
You can visit the page linked for each easel below to see the exact location on the map.
Brimstone Sands
Long Forgotten Easel (#eastbrimstone01) - Scenic Painting of Lycopolis
Long Forgotten Easel (#eastbrimstone02) - Scenic Painting of the Deadwater Wastes
First Light
Long Forgotten Easel (#southfirstlight01) - Scenic Painting of Old Elder's Bluff
Long Forgotten Easel (#northfirstlight01) - Scenic Painting of Old Northfork
Long Forgotten Easel (#northwindsward02) - Scenic Painting of the Elin River
Long Forgotten Easel (#northwindsward01) - Scenic Painting of Amrine Temple
Long Forgotten Easel (#westeverfall01) - Scenic Painting of Stonereach
Long Forgotten Easel (#easteverfall01) - Scenic Painting of Valle Tempus
Cutlass Keys
Long Forgotten Easel (#westcutlass01) - Scenic Painting of the Salty Marshes
Long Forgotten Easel (#eastcutlass01) - Scenic Painting of Gefyra Bridge
Monarch's Bluffs
Long Forgotten Easel (#southmonarchs01) - Scenic Painting of Deadman's Anchor
Long Forgotten Easel (#northmonarchs01) - Scenic Painting of Antares
Long Forgotten Easel (#southbrightwood01) - Scenic Painting of the Azoth Tree
Long Forgotten Easel (#northbrightwood01) - Scenic Painting of Brightwatch
Weaver's Fen
Long Forgotten Easel (#northweavers02) - Scenic Painting of Soddenswale
Long Forgotten Easel (#northweavers01) - Scenic Painting of Fay's Sorrow
Long Forgotten Easel (#westedengrove01) - Scenic Painting from the Wyrdkissed Cliffs
Long Forgotten Easel (#eastedengrove01) - Scenic Painting of the Primal Lochan
Great Cleave
Long Forgotten Easel (#eastcleave01) - Scenic Painting of the Frosted Floe
Long Forgotten Easel (#westcleave01) - Scenic Painting of Mangled Heights
Long Forgotten Easel (#westmourningdale01) - Scenic Painting of Mourning Bridge
Long Forgotten Easel (#southmourningdale01) - Scenic Painting of the Flooded Plains
Ebonscale Reach
Long Forgotten Easel (#southebonscale01) - Scenic Painting of the Imperial Palace
Long Forgotten Easel (#northebonscale01) - Scenic Painting of Skysong Lagoon
Shattered Mountain
Long Forgotten Easel (#southshattered01) - Scenic Painting of Caminus
Long Forgotten Easel (#eastshattered01) - Scenic Painting of Shattered Mountain
Restless Shore
Long Forgotten Easel (#southrestless01) - Scenic Painting of the Neptune's Fury
Long Forgotten Easel (#midrestless01) - Scenic Painting of the Bubbly Bay
Long Forgotten Easel (#southreekwater01) - Scenic Painting of Lambent Muskeg
Long Forgotten Easel (#northreekwater01) - Scenic Painting of the Eternal Pool
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