Bringer of Light

Covenant Mission

The Beasts of Hornhold Labyrinth guard a stockpile of useful materials. Defeat Juice and harvest whatever material you can find.

6,270 XP 23.75 Coin 375 Territory Standing 2,350 Faction Reputation 2,635 Faction Tokens
Only available in Elysian Wilds
Requires Level 65
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Xyo Admin [Edited] Pinned

@halowenjo just checked Hornhold Labyrinth and there seems to be two Angry Earth creatures: Unpetrified Bear (the Bear should spawn more Angry Earth minions) and Unpetrified Wolf. Those should drop Brilliant Seedling for the quest.

Also, here's Juice.

Bit Miko

Lamest faction quest ever. Rework this 🤬.

Taylor H

where is Juice? been running around the labrynth for an hour and cant find him.

halowenjo [Edited]

EDIT: After Xyo's enlightenment, there appears to be a way to complete the faction mission. There are 2 spawns in the middle of the labyrinth, just before you enter the fortress structure itself. 1 Bear and 1 Wolf, unsure of their spawn timers. Xyo also informed me that Juice the Bear is supposed to summon minions that would count as Angry Earth. I murdered poor Juice too quickly to check, but I suspect they would not be lootable as I think most summoned minions like that (similiar to the alpha wolf summons in reekwater) disappear and cannot be interacted with after death. could be wrong

Either way, the quest should be completable, albeit a massive hassle. I'd still rate this one of the worst faction missions for time spent, as you have to traverse the entire labyrinth to access the center, unless someone was to find a way into the middle via shortcut.

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