Over the Cliffs, and Through the Woods

Syndicate Story Suggested Level 19

Syndicate Initiation Quest: Aventus has tasked you to climb the cliffs nearby into Brightwood and east into the grove of the Azoth Tree to collect water from the moat, and then return to him.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
1,240 XP 61.25 Coin 10 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
Fickle Fusions, Fanged Folly
Completion needed for the quests below
Woes of the Wise
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Andrew Rivers

There is a bug locking the remainder of the quest line after completing this.

I was originally syndicate and picked this quest up when it first came out. I have been both yellow and green since and always had this quest in my log, unable to abandon. I am now trying to swap back to syndicate and upon completion, no new quest is available, yet I can’t switch because the quest line is not done. The support team is unable to offer any assistance but log the report for you; we all know how bad AGS is at fixing even core bugs. If you have run into this, please add an arrow or something here so that the bug is public.

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