A Pirate's Life

Side Story

Follow a trail of Doubloons to reclaim the treasure Santiago's old crew had stashed away years ago.

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
2,870 XP 91.25 Coin 600 Territory Standing 25 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
The True Terror of the Seas
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albeva [Edited]

for me the quest was broken, no coins appeared at last location. Had to reload the game and re-enter the quest area.

jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

This quest as multiple steps, they are marked with the little pillars of blue light.


Step 1, Restless Shore - Cutthroat Cavern (LVL 42)
Follow the Trail of Doubloons.


1. At the north (-west) Entrance of the cave.

2. turn right, go up the little hill, behinde some boxes

3. continue walking on the right side of the cave, next one is behinde a bigger stone pillar


Step 2, Restless Shore - Arclight Cavern (LVL 42)
Follow the Trail of Doubloons.


1. north entrance, right around the corner

2. follow the left path inside the cave, up the hill/rocks and over the bridge, between two Starmetal notes.

3. follow the path up until you reach the end, there is a big opening on the right side, on the left side of it, next to a canon.

Watch out for a Level 40, named, ghost enemie: First Mate LaCuran, guarding his Supply Stockpile.


Step 3, Restless Shore - The Golden Princess (LVL 43)
Follow the Trail of Doubloons.


1. there is a watchtower with roof in the north of the area, all the way up

2. on front part of the broken ship, next to the bridge to the back part

3. south beach/shallow water of the area, between the bow of the small intact ship and the bigger rock next to it


Step 4, Restless Shore - The Golden Princess (LVL 43)

Recover Santiag's treasure.


It is inside of the little ship right next to the last doubloons.


Step 5, Restless Shore - The Golden Princess (LVL 43)

Defeat Santiago.


Santiago Salazar is a level 45, named, lost enemie.

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