Reputation is Everything

Side Story

What good is a composition if it goes unheard? Play the Magnum Opus throughout the town in a grand debut as a composer!

NPC - Quest Giver NPC - Turn In Rewards
1,360 XP 62.50 Coin 1,000 Territory Standing 37 Azoth
Must complete the quest below
The Magnum Opus
Prerequisites - Additional
Requires Level 20
Completion needed for the quests below
It's Who You Know
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Aaron Vandersluis

The same problem is happening to me currently. I'm at the point where I need to approach the guard captain and there's no blue light.

Josh Combs

This is bugged for my girlfriend. She has the quest but no blue light.

jeanONstreamTV Rare

1. Practice "Winds of Autumn"

you have to play this on "Novice", "Skilled" does not count.


2. Play for the Magistrate

It is the one you borrowed the fluet from. You need to click the blue shining light and it will play a song automaticly.


3. Play for the Guard Captain

You need to click the blue shining light again and it will play a song automaticly. He is in front of the town hall.


4. Play for the Constable

You need to click the blue shining light again and it will play a song automaticly. She is inside the town hall.


4. Play for the Tavern

You need to click the blue shining light again and it will play a song automaticly. It is in front of the fire place.

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