Soul Survivor

Main Story Suggested Level 1

On approach to the legendary island of Aeternum, the ship of Captain Aldous Thorpe is consumed by a storm of Corruption, and the Captain himself becomes possessed with evil. Your only hope is to escape the burning ship, make your way to the shore and then attempt to get your bearings in this strange, new world.

NPC - Quest Giver Unlocks
Completion needed for the quests below
Soul Survivor
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jeanONstreamTV Rare [Edited]

Welcome to New World, this is the very first quest you get as soon as you interact with the dying Captain Thorpe.

Pick up the items in the bag on the ground by pressig E (Default).
Now open your Inventory using TAB (Default).
The game wants you to equip now the Shield (Drag and Drop or Double Click on it) and put your food into the Quickslot bound to key 3 (Default, also Drag and Drop or Double Click on it). Close your Inventory by pressing TAB again or ESC.
Now it is time to consume your food by pressing key 3 (Default) and start searching the Ship Graveyard for Captain Thorpe's Box.

After you have done this you have the option to skip the Tutorial by simply hitting ESC and select "Skip Tutorial".
You won´t miss anything, byside some information about the controlls. If you decide to contiune, just follow the quest hints.

A blue mysterious light beam from the sky will mark your next quest point.
It is the mysterious box, where you need to press E (Default)
After you interacted with the box it is time to escape the graveyard!

On your way out you need to descent into the grotto, where you will find Corrupted Captain Thorpe, which wants to fight you.

After the fight ends the game will send you into one of the two starting areas: Windsward or Monarch's Bluff.
Here will wait a stranger right next to you, to lead you with Sole Survivor (Windsward) or Sole Survivor (Monarch's Bluff) into your further adventure.

Your next quest will be Basic Needs (Windsward) / Basic Needs (Monarch's Bluff).

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