
Page #2
Part of the following chapter Weaver's Company Log #9
This page is undated.

Jacoby asked about the red swirls in the marsh, and we enlightened the fool – it's where the Corrupted got riddled with rifles or felled by axes, and their blood soaked the marsh. Not all of it, to be sure, there's settler blood, too, and the Fen was thick with it - we told him be on his guard or the Fen would drink deep of his blood as well. It didn't seem to kill the gleam in his eye, though – he'll see different if we get close to the Corrupted's old fort, and see if he likes wearing boots dyed with blood of the marsh. It's a small blessing that settlers older than us pushed the bastards back to the Cleave, for I doubt we'd have the soldiers to do it today, especially now that the Queensport Union got struck by the Cleave's heel when they got too bold. There's a lesson there, and Jacoby had best heed it before he gets ideas of claiming land that isn't his.