That Cursed Barrier

Page #2
Part of the following chapter Sonechka the Pale, Myrddin's Camp #6
A tattered note, penned by an obviously angry hand

Given the proximity of this site to the nearby ruins, I am certain that Myrddin conducted at least some part of his research here. This barrier was obviously created by him, and must be protecting something of great importance. We will not be abandoning this site because of the incompetence of the work crews you have assigned me. So no, I do not care how difficult it may be! Too much time has been wasted attempting to breach this barrier. Find some of the powder the others on this island use for their weapons, I will pack it into the rock surrounding the barrier and light the fuse myself! Better yet, have Inegeld bring down one of those cannons he is so proud of capturing and I'll put it to proper use! Sonechka the Pale, Magister Magica, Vorongard