Pharaoh’s Decree vol. I

Page #1
Part of the following chapter Age of the Pharoah #31
The Call of Return

Imhotep, the Great, the Wise, the Merciful, who once counseled the gods of the Nile, declares himself Pharaoh over the lands of Brimstone and her peoples. From the high priests of the great temples to the lowliest serfs of the quarries, I bid you rejoice, for your homeland is restored! Let it be known that Imhotep, your lord magnanimous, on the dawning of the first day of the season of rains, took up his mace and struck down the last of the corrupted. As the rituals demanded, the remains of this defeated foe were carried in procession to all the great districts of the city, that all might witness the final triumph of our master. In keeping with the laws of our ancestors, the Pharaoh now declares a year of celebration of his rule. He bids all the sons and daughters of the Nile return to the great city, to feast alongside him and restore the glory of their birthright. Envoys shall carry the news to all corners of the desert, proclaiming to all her vast Rejoyce, children of Egypt, children of eternity, children of the gods, for your long exile is ended! The home of your ancestors is restored. So proclaims Imhotep, first and only Pharaoh of the Eternal Kingdom, and so it is written. May his reign be unending.