The Doom of Eternity

Page #3
Part of the following chapter Prayers and Portents #30
The return to disorder

Take heed and bear witness to the fury of the gods of the Nile. All plagues and anarchy. All savagery at the hands of the corrupted foe. All these great tests wrought upon the faithful have paled by comparison, to this: the revolt of the House of Geb, and the rise of Apophis, Dragon of the Abyss. For deep beneath the western mountains of Bhaku, the waters of Nun boiled over, and from their depths they birthed a great evil. Mighty Sutekh, Lord of Chaos and Creation, Bringer of Order out of Disorder, has fallen. And in his absence, Chaos itself now reigns. Out of the void he has birthed creatures of earth and air, and spirits of fire made flesh. In his anger, the primordial lord of the desert sands has unleashed this wrath upon the great city, scouring her halls of life and wealth all the trappings of civilization. And in the red desert, he has conveyed his serpents of the sands, who burrow beneath the land to devour any who dare seek refuge among the dunes. Gods of mercy, abandon not your children, far from the home of their ancestors. Who answered your call to unknown reaches to build your Land of Reeds. Spare us the trials of these grotesque spirits called forth from the infinite darkness of Duat, that we may escape yawning oblivion in the crocodile maw of Ammit, Eater of Souls.