Gateway to the Gods

Page #1
A journal page

<i>Arrival Year 73, second month of Shemsu, day 4:</i> Praise Atum! I have at last deciphered the glyphs from the sacred Temple of Akhet! The Book of Gates has given me the answers. This land is not Aaru, sacred home of Osiris, but rather the netherworld Duat. The Ennead that rests inside the Temple houses the 12th Gate, beyond which lies the true Field of Reeds. The inhabitants of this island call the gods "Ancients" but their true names are known to us. Opening the 12th Gate would bring forth the Purifying Light of the Blessed Nine to all who dwell here. <i>Arrival Year 73, fourth month of Shemsu, day 2:</i> I must convince my beloved Lucius of the truth. He mistakenly believes the Temple has nothing to do with our gods. He fears the Ennead poses a grave danger to the people and must be sealed away. I must be patient with the noble man who guided us through many hardships to our destination, who built our new home and kept us safe from the spirits and demons that plague this land. He may have lost his faith, but my love for him rivals my devotion to the gods. May Osiris forgive me! <i>Arrival Year 73, second month of Akhet, day 5:</i> I’ve received word that Lucius is thinking of marching the 19th Legion to Akhet. They say he seeks to expel us from the Temple, preventing us from fulfilling our sacred destiny. I must convince him to abandon this plan and to join us instead in welcoming the gods. I pray the gods may open his eyes. Only together we can we accomplish this!