Captain Madelaine's Dismissal

Page #7
Part of the following chapter Havelock's Diary #1

The “Captain” – Maddie returned empty-handed today. She interrupted me in the workshop and when I saw no new Withered in the pen, I inquired – rather sharply – as to why she was disturbing me. She told me she had spoken to my wife, seen the eyes of Simon, and she has taken their side. She tells me she refuses to capture more Withered for my “experiments” – and then the woman had the NERVE to lecture me, ME, that I have become too narrow of purpose on the Corrupted, that (and I got quite angry at this) my attempts have begun to erode my common sense and are causing both me and my family suffering. I told her I have no need of her services any longer. If she feels my work is done, then her work is done as well, and there is no reason for us to speak again. She left without a word – good riddance, I say. -M.H.