An Answer

Page #4
Part of the following chapter Havelock's Diary #1

Genevieve was surprised as I to find a woman at the door – a Captain (a former Captain), no less, carrying a letter and saying that she was here at the Magistrate's request and that she was to assist in my efforts. Her name was Madelaine (Maddie), and she insisted I not use the title of Captain when speaking to her, as her arrival on the shore of Aeternum did not deserve the title – nor did the crew she had lost. Genevieve was suspicious, then upset, and she asked me many questions – about Maddie's presence, to the alchemical equipment, and most of all, the cages, which alarmed her greatly. What manner of beasts were they to hold, she asked? Not “hold” but what manner of beasts we may SAVE, I replied. As I attempted to explain, she suddenly stood and left, and I knew the conversation to be over. It seems I shall sleep in the workshop this night – and not by choice. -M. Havelock, Archminister