A Study on Brimstone Children’s Tales

Page #1
Part of the following chapter Brimstone Children's Tales #4
The cover shows children playing in the sand dunes

The Magic Flute By Marsses Ulivander Pg. 31 … to prove the existence of such a creature. I’m just not seeing any evidence, and thus I believe this poem to be pure fancy with no factual basis. On the other hand, strangely enough, I think I do have evidence regarding another mythical creature. Although I initially hesitated to put it on this list since the area I searched is on the far edge of Brimstone proper. There is a children’s song that talks about a man with the feet of a goat that once used to haunt the eastern cliffs of the desert. Apparently he used his magic flute to lure young people from their beds and into the hills where they would disappear for one year. “From the tip of the sun to the tip of the sun,” is what the lyric reads, which I suspect is referencing one summer solstice to the next. I knew about the song, but I wasn’t looking for the beast itself, since it seemed to be more or less a rhythm to dance to and little more. However, when I made camp near the Bubasteum, I did hear some distant flute playing, and heard some strange voices not too far away. They fled when I got near, and I found a strange wooden flute among the brush there. I was never able to retrieve the object because of the lions, but I am planning to go back with a hired hand to see if I can’t pick it back up before they return. I realize this is not hard evidence, but it is a very strange set of coincidences to be sure.