We Shouldn't Have Come!

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Part of the following chapter A Doomed Expedition #9
A fool's errand.

We should never have come to this miserable place. Lord Varrick’s obsession with the Crimson Sorcerer has driven him to such extremity, he has his best knights skulking through the woods, scrounging about for some baubles from lost antiquity. Such stupidity… the people of this island are soft, and their goods are ripe for the taking. Yet here we are beating the bushes in a place where every rock or shrubbery is a potential monstrosity. Whatever great weapons he seeks are unnecessary. We can easily cast aside whatever pathetic defense these weaklings can muster to take what’s theirs. At least then I’d be risking my neck for proper riches. Not out here chasing ghosts in service of some madman’s vanity. Already I have had two search parties fail to return from patrol. That ought to alarm anyone in a land where no one has the temerity to stay dead. Whatever secrets are locked away in these rocks had better be worth it, or that thrice-damned fool Varrick will be hearing my challenge when I finally make it back to civilization!