Sweet Child of Another World

Page #4
Part of the following chapter Common Concerns #8
Love letter to a phantom.

You came to me, sweet child of another world, as if in a dream. Thy bright eyes shown like fiery stars in the bleak night sky. Your voice like a flowing stream rang out like tinkling bells in my ears. And yet, I know, my life and thine shall ne’er truly be one flesh. For her graceful form was meant for woods and wilds and not the rank banality of civil streets and thoroughfares. And yet, I confess, my mind will not forget how she hath touched me so. And thus, I wait, to guard this place on the promise of her swift return. I can only pray that she will not forget, and leave my heart forlorn and longing for a jaunt through lonely woodlands. Until then, I shall carry her with me in my dreams. For they are the only consolation for a heart cleft in two by fate and circumstance. -Faramarz Hakimi