The Cost

Page #2
Part of the following chapter Morgaine's Journal #7
It is too terrible to contemplate.

I warned my brother. I warned him! I foretold that this would happen, ages ago, when he set off on this ridiculous quest… The forces that course and surge across this island cannot be tamed, and we manipulate them at our own peril. Any meddling that we perform should be done with care, and only in response to the most dire of circumstance. And yet it was his casual intercourse with arcane forces brought the Corruption down upon us all! And now, he has saved himself from Corruption. Saved by tearing apart his very essence and remanding all that remains of his being into a prison of his own making. I would sooner have seen him dead than trapped and mutilated. A Myrrdin without his magic is not my brother. And yet this simulacrum that wears my brothers face, and speaks with his wisdom is all I can ever hope to regain of his love and companionship. I have been cheated by the hope within my heart. All that remains now is penance. Penance for the sins of my brother, and his hubris. I will save this land, and ensure my brothers folly does not deliver us all into the arms of damnation. I will do this for him, and for all the love I bear him. For there is no one else left to carry the burden.