I Know What She's Hiding

Page #1
Found on the Road out of Monarch's Bluffs

Laikina, I left town at twilight, to avoid a scene with Constable Saville. But she was there, waiting at the gate, like she knew my thoughts. “Such a shame to see you go,” she said. “Monarch's Bluffs will surely miss you.” A perfectly normal thing to say. For the hundredth time, I wonder if the things I saw Saville do that night were just a nightmare. I can hear your voice, telling me that I'm being too paranoid. I find myself watching her. She seems so normal, wrapped up in the petty concerns of the settlement. But sometimes…I catch a flash of it in her eyes, when she looks at me. Maybe it's always been there. Or maybe she sees me as a threat, now. I'm coming to Windsward. If I head straight east all night, I should be able to get there by daybreak. The terrors of the nighttime wilds are nothing, compared to what I'm leaving behind. I'm looking forward to a fresh start. -Christopher