Flash of Anger

Page #2
A Petitioner Caged

Today, I witnessed something disturbing. A petitioner came to the Empress, in her makeshift palanquin on the beach, and decried this land of Aeternum. He claimed it would only lead to our doom. I found myself nodding in agreement, for I, too, sense the pall that hangs over this place. Her guards and attendants sprang into action at the sight of his insolence, but our soverign commanded them to halt. Then she got down from her throne and helped him to stand, whispering to him in reassuring tones. I know not what she spake, but her words seemed to steady his convictions, and he departed renewed in his steadfast service to her. The sight left me deeply ashamed. I am lucky that the Empress did not witness my moment of weakness. Even shipwrecked in this strange, forsaken land, we are better off here, under the rule of our beloved mistress than we would be bound under the yoke of the usurper. For the comfort of a warm, familiar hearth is rendered as cold and oppressive as the endless sea by the machinations of a tyrant. -Jing