The Everfall Banquet

Page #3
Part of the following chapter The Danger of Bounty #18
Food For All?

Partake in the Everfall Banquet, dear friend, but be cautious when doing so. Not every settlement is so lucky as to have piles of food lying about for any hungry adventurer to snatch from a table. Partake in the Everfall Banquet, but be warned, the more you eat the less you taste. The denizens of Everfall Hamlet must choose between hunger pangs or a crop of bountiful food that soon turns to naught but ash in your mouth. Things were not always this way, but in Aeternum nothing is guaranteed. On the Night of the Blue Flames the azoth released made for immense crop growth, with its eventual tastelessness like a punishment for meddling with the Shattered Obelisk. The Obelisk can never be repaired, not by human hands, so Everfall must live with this cursed bounty. Beware. -The Everfall Leadership