They're Digging...

Page #1
Part of the following chapter Galahad's Logbook #13
Something great and terrible lurks beneath the earth!

The loathsome Corrupted seem to have found something of value beneath the earth. Its nature, I can only guess, but I hold no doubt as to its consequence. If it can distract the Corrupted from their endless campaign against the people of Aeternum, then it can only spell disaster for the future of this New World. This new leader among the Corrupted legions is cunning. He has shown not only the tremendous brutality expected from one possessed by malign forces, but also a willingness to bide his time and search out strategic advantages. If his arrival signals a shift in strategy away from raw, relentless attrition, I shudder to think what comes next. Our position against his hordes was already precarious. We can ill afford a redoubled effort. Whatever they believe they have uncovered within these vast, Ancient ruins, one thing is sure: they cannot be allowed to retrieve it. The consequences for the balance of power in Aeternum could be calamitous. The Soulwardens must intervene before it is too late. I pray my pleas for aid reach Jonus and his brethren in time.