
Rare Resource Tier III

A supple, yew-like wood that makes no sound when it bends.

Tier III 0.3 Weight Max Stack: 10000 Ingredient Types: Tier 3 Timber, Refined Wood Derived from Young Trees, Mature Trees, Wyrdwood Trees, Rare
Crafting material Used as crafting material
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Yeppening [Aquila] [Edited]

Super rare at low skill/luck

More logging skill + logging luck gear = more whisperwood

For reference:

At 100 skill and 15% bonus logging luck had like 1 Whisperwood per 2h of logging.

At 175 skill and ~ 33% luck now have 1 whisperwood every 10 min

At the same time it feels like Whisperwood drops more frequently than Petrified wood.. or just my weird luck..

Anyways hope this was helpful in some way. Good luck chopping 🪓


Some tips while im already at it...

• Don't forget about cabbages for that luck increase!

• Trophies in house also help out.

• Just noticed that amulets can have the adored luck perk (~7% logging luck)

U can craft those amulets using the [draught of sap]? I believe. Which u farm by just chopping trees( also pretty rare thing, got like 1 in 2h chopping)


Much like Petrified wood this material is very rare and will more or less never drop unless you are using a +luck set and ideally luck food. In leveling my logging skill from 87 to 100 with 1400 logging food and 21% luck from gear I looted 3.

No more comments ^^

XXXX You need XXXX (number shown in drop table) or more luck for the item to drop. In-game, 100 Luck is shown as 1%.
Match All All conditions with red border must be met for the item to drop.
Match One Only one of these conditions must be met for the item to drop.
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