Name Rarity Tier Requirements War Sword of the Soldier (War) Uncommon V 50-65 War Rapier of the Ranger (War) Uncommon V 50-65 War Hatchet of the Soldier (War) Uncommon V 50-65 War War Hammer of the Soldier (War) Uncommon V 50-65 War Spear of the Ranger (War) Uncommon V 50-65 War Bow of the Ranger (War) Uncommon V 50-65 War Musket of the Ranger (War) Uncommon V 50-65 War Great Axe of the Soldier (War) Uncommon V 50-65 War Fire Staff of the Scholar (War) Uncommon V 50-65 War Life Staff of the Sage (War) Uncommon V 50-65