Name Rarity Tier Requirements Infused Weapon Scraps Epic V Tier V500+ GS Valuable Weapon Scraps Rare IV Tier V500+ GS Infused Weapon Fragment Legendary V Tier V675+ GS Infused Weapon Scraps Epic V Tier VUncommon500+ GS Valuable Weapon Scraps Rare IV Tier VUncommon500+ GS Infused Weapon Fragment Legendary V Tier VUncommon675+ GS Infused Weapon Scraps Epic V Tier VRare500+ GS Valuable Weapon Scraps Rare IV Tier VRare500+ GS Infused Weapon Fragment Legendary V Tier VRare675+ GS Infused Weapon Scraps Epic V Tier VEpic500+ GS
With flurry getting grit this weapon, one of the craftable ones from reaching 200 weaponsmithing, may have actually moved from sub par to really quite good, as well as being easy to craft.