Name Level Family Zones Requirements Alcazarian Formation 66 Angry Earth +1 Zones without spawn Tor To-Riven Tor Mallacht 58+ Abiogenesis 66 Angry Earth +1 Zones without spawn Tor Mallacht Tor To-Riven 58+ Alcazarian Eagle Eye 66 Angry Earth +1 Zones without spawn Tor Mallacht Tor To-Riven 58+ Malevolence 66 Angry Earth +1 Zones without spawn Tor Mallacht Tor To-Riven 58+ Alcazarian Lurker 66 Angry Earth +1 Zones without spawn Tor Mallacht Tor To-Riven 58+ Alcazarian Esprit 66 Angry Earth +1 Zones without spawn Tor Mallacht Tor To-Riven 58+ Alcazarian Sentinel 66 Angry Earth +1 Zones without spawn Tor Mallacht Tor To-Riven 58+ Entropy 66 Angry Earth +1 Zones without spawn Tor Mallacht Tor To-Riven 58+
this rapier has ridiculous perks.. angry earth bane %14.. since thrust is %15 and lightning is %40 weaker against angry earth this weapon is garbage. do the devs put this in the game in a humorous sense or what?? :)