I remember when Ivan was farmed continuously by people for quick Topaz gypsums. Artisans Jeweller top would drop so frequently. Now I have spent 3 hours farming this sh*t and have 0 drops. F AGS for stealth nerfing this drop rate and all the bs timegates
~5 min respawn
5ish min respawn time
1.5 hours in and got artisans coat , ice gauntlet and 3 auroras. Voidbent with pearls and 2 luck bags
respawn time is 90 seconds
I just drop the named Void Gauntlet (Unstoppable Decay) my void gauntlet exp is 594 and yet I dropped 504 GS one. So legendary version probably a myth :D
I also dropped green great axe that 507 GS
max GS ICEG drop at 503
Can confirm the "Artisan Jewelcrafter's Tunic" still dropps after the "nerf" hes now silver not gold anymore, got it after 10ish~ kills.
2.7 to 2.8 luck with 0.5% luck gems, all 3 accesories with luck
3 bags with luck
also 3 small luck trophies
hope this helps
That dude is really tough as of 1.1. However it's "brute" type of monster which mean it can be nohit'd. I suggest avoid blocking and simply dodge attacks, landing heavies when he smash the ground. It's really not that hard once you get use to it and if you have a little bit of background with "soul like" games. I did NoHit him a couple of time as a rapier.
Good luck. Dropped the chest in 10 kills. It seems that his drop rate has been significatively increase.
got buffed, cant kill it alone anymore, sad
Someone in my group got it in 3 try. If you die from the boss poison, you will never be able to get rez, and you will never be able to receive heal again, expect if you deco reco !
got the jewelcrafter shirt after about an hour of farming with 35% luck and 1 minor trophy
EDIT: after recent patch all the info below is irrelevent, u can no longer solo farm him as they buffed the hell out of him, but he drops WAY more frequently, i get a bag probably 80% of kills now :)
EDIT2: they nerfed him back to his original state and easily soloable again :)
Location: Ebonscale, Cemetery north of Skysong, He's a Lost Juggernaut, located in the church.
550 kills no tunic hihihi
94 kills to get the artisan jewel crafting shirt.
Got the mixer coat after 20-30 kills
EDIT: I am currently at 32% luck + 2 luck trophies
UPDATE: I got the tunic to drop at kill #541
I've killed this guy probably at least 50-70 times before I started to tally the kills, but here are my current results:
-- Currently I am at 300 kills on this guy with no tunic:
-- 44 times he dropped a loot bag
-- Longest streak of SOLO kills on him giving no loot at all: 26
-- I've seen 3 people get it so far
** First guy got it in about 10 kills (lvl59 with little luck on)
** Second guy got it in 5 kills (about 30% luck)
** Third guy got it on his first kill
-- About a 70 second respawn time
-- Dodge the slam
-- He only does his double attack (attack + slam) after a right hand swing. I just started double dodging every right hand swing.
-- Stay out of the vomit, it hurts.
-- I did find Precision Armorers Tools in the stockpile.... $$$$$$
jewel shirt just droped after 50-60 kils
where is ivan?
This is unreal.. I'm at 12 hours of farming .. more than 500 kills and still no drop (jewelcrafting shirt). Bring some coffee. (Also in 36% luck gear)
I killed him more than 10 times and he drop "Fragmented Musket". Confirm he drop Artisan Jewelcrafter's Tunic after 1 day farm, besides you can get legendary material from supply stockpile here.
I killed him 5 times in a row and also thought he was bugged until he dropped a pot and green gear on the last kill. It's possible he's still bugged, though, and for some reason a lot of the mobs and chests in high-lvl areas and outside of elite zones are giving very low GS gear
Is this guy bugged? Like 6 kills in a row, no drops. Similar for guy I was with as well.
Respawn time: ~~70 seconds
confirmed. got artisan jewel in 6x try
ful luck 3 bag, all equip luck perk with pearl
3 minor loot luck thropy