Am i the only one to don't get loot if I shorten his respawn time by leaving the area ?
dropped lumberjack hat
1st kill got tanner shoes
Just got the earring at around 34 kills.
10 kills and just the Tanner Shoes
Respawn time: 4min
I have 600gs expertise and the voyagers passage token dropped at 521gs? is this the highest it goes?
Dropped a Withered Bough (ARTIFACT).
farmed with 42% luck and dropped voyager's passage token @ 521 gs [520 watermark]
4 min respawn time
u can find him near the east shrine in reekwater, up the stairs in Sha Makogai
also if u leave the area his respawn time shorten to 2min^
farmed him for couple hours so far with 35%+ luck, no jewelery drop yet
S3 respawn is bugged, 0 CD, free Flail if youre Cov