Jan 13th 2025 dropped after 15kills. 3 major loot luck trophies and half gear luck, pvp on. Still drops. 1min respawn
(Chefs hat)
1 hour with full luck set no luck for the hat :( but I ended up getting skinner hat from the side bosses that spawns with her .. unexpected reward..
3/4 no drop
Playin in 2024 October, Aeterium patch. took me 1 hour to get chef hat. full luck set, but no trophies. Its located on the bridge, not an arena
2 minute spawn in Skysong Temple. I got lucky and got the Chef Hat after 3 kills, wooo!
They removed her and her friend from the Skysong Temple, now only spawning at Serenity Monastery
I wonder if she can still drop this damn hat, nearly 2 hours here and no drop :(
2h 30 min it finally dropped! \o/
Kept at it for 2.5hrs. I'm done for now
Luck on all gear. 20+ fights. No chef hat
Drop 2 kill xd, boots, ring, healmet and gloves with luck
Respawn still 2 min, kill 4 times and drop chef hat. im full corrupted set no any luck item, just minor luck trophy.
And this boss near other named drop tanner shoes 5th kill.
dropped +- 1hr farm with a few lucky pieces in my set and no trophies
This mob does drop it, I have recived it today 11/14-2022
Does this mob still drop the chef hat? I killed it 200 times and it hasn't dropped it yet.
Spawntimer is 1:45min
You have to parkour to get up to the arena. Spawn is like 1 minute and she has another sorcerer fighting with her.
Got chef hat after 1h 25mins, around 40 kills. Full luck set, 1/3 bags with luck. 0 luck trophies. She did not drop bag often. Surrounding mobs making farm very annoying.