| Covenant Lumen Shoes of the Soldier | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Shoes of the Soldier | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Boots of the Ranger | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Boots of the Ranger | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Boots of the Ranger | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Footwear of the Ranger | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Footwear of the Ranger | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Footwear of the Ranger | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Boots of the Scholar | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Boots of the Scholar | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Boots of the Scholar | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Shoes of the Scholar | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Shoes of the Scholar | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Shoes of the Scholar | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Footwear of the Scholar | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Footwear of the Scholar | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Footwear of the Scholar | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Boots of the Sage | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Boots of the Sage | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Boots of the Sage | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Footwear of the Sage | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Footwear of the Sage | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Footwear of the Sage | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Shoes of the Sage | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Shoes of the Sage | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Shoes of the Sage | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Shoes of the Ranger | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Shoes of the Ranger | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Shoes of the Ranger | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Marauder Destroyer Boots of the Soldier | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Covenant Lumen Boots of the Soldier | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Syndicate Cabalist Boots of the Soldier | | Epic | IV | 490 |
| Oak Regent Boots of the Soldier | | Rare | IV | 460 |
| Holly Regent Footwear of the Ranger | | Rare | IV | 460 |
| Floral Regent Loafers of the Scholar | | Rare | IV | 460 |
| Floral Regent Loafers of the Sage | | Rare | IV | 460 |
| Karl's Dancing Shoes | | Epic | IV | 450 |
| Slippers of Unsullied Dreams | | Epic | IV | 450 |
| Waterwalkers | | Rare | IV | 450 |
| Desecrated Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Desecrated Leather Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Desecrated Cloth Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Corrupted Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Corrupted Leather Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Corrupted Cloth Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Immemorial Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Immemorial Leather Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Immemorial Cloth Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Primordial Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |
| Primordial Leather Boots | | Common | IV | 450-500 |